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By sbrooks
Posts:  748
Joined:  Tue May 22, 2012 3:33 pm
I have the exact same-looking stalk on a red seedling that is close to two months old. I started searching this site for info on such a seedling stalk, and came across this thread. I at least want to let it go long enough to identify for sure what it is. The top doesn't appear bulbous, but has a pointy tip bent at an angle, resembling a goose head. Flower stalks don't usually look like that at the top, do they? Speedy mentioned planting 260 seeds; the grower that I bought the seeds from often sells them in lots of 60 and 260 on EBay, so it's probably the same dude.
By SpeedyKJ
Posts:  200
Joined:  Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:24 pm
Cut it off ASAP!

I waited to long and my plant didn't make it :cry:

Do not wait!

The energy required to grow and stalk/flower/seeds is to much for such a young plant to handle and will most likely kill it

Post some pics I'd love to see it
By weaver
Posts:  129
Joined:  Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:41 pm
i had the same thing happen with two of my seedlings. i actually let them flower and everything. i wish i would have taken pictures, but they are doing just fine as of right now!
By sbrooks
Posts:  748
Joined:  Tue May 22, 2012 3:33 pm
So, I got Speedy on one shoulder, and Weaver on the other. Question is, which one is wearing red, and which one is wearing white? :twisted: :roll: ........... Anyway, I appreciate the advice from both; Speedy, maybe cutting it off is what killed it; all that phenolic bleeding and whatnot. :? .....Weaver, I'm curious: did they actually get a flower head? And were they pollinated/seeded? Have those plants continued any strange growth patterns? Were they red? Purchased on EBay in a lot of 60 or 260? Anyway, here's my best two photos of it, taken a couple of days ago, with a piece of paper in the background for clarity: Image Image Maybe this is the next great mutant cultivar; I'll call it, "Red Swan" :mrgreen:
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By weaver
Posts:  129
Joined:  Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:41 pm
I honestly only let them stay because I wanted to see what happened and I was willing to sacrifice a seedling (because I have so many). If you're not wanting to risk it I would for sure cut it off! But it was pretty cool seeing a seedling flower!
Is this a steal?

The first one is a Nepenthes x 'Ventrata' like Pan[…]

...and now you know better how to plan. ;)

My two go to choices are https://www.greenhouseme[…]

Catching the Nep fever

I have some seed grown neps if you are intersted. […]

You can try it. You don't want it in the window si[…]

Results of self pollinating?

Seeds, gray area. Plants, if shipping across state[…]

tommyr's grow list

pm'ed ya!

alecStewart1's Grow List and Wants

just pm'ed you!

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