FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

Moderator: Matt

By TheChrisanator
Posts:  68
Joined:  Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:59 am
Hey everyone! I grow a wide variety of other carnivorous plants, but I'm taking my first shot at growing a Ceph. I ordered a nice and healthy young plant from this website. So far everything has been running smoothly (Three pitchers opened, a few baby pitchers on the way). I have the watering system, temperatures, and light all under control. If I figure out how, I'll post some pictures. Anyways, I read that a Cephalotus needs a mild temperature drop during the night time in order to remain healthy. Any ideas on how to do this? I'm considering making a coldframe, but it will be a hastle to move the Ceph every night, not to mention that it may disturb the root system. I really don't want my Cephalotus to die, beacause it is truly a remarkable specimine. Please let me know how to do this or even if this is crucial to the plant's well being. Thanks in advance!
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