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By Shes Crofty
Posts:  872
Joined:  Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:06 pm
I think it might have to do with being de-sensitized in a sense.. like when you get a small scratch for the first time, it's the most painful thing ever, that is, until you fall off a skateboard or break your arm. So getting a small scratch isn't so much of a big deal anymore. I never, ever cry when I get hurt anymore.. Because I have broken bones and been in car accidents so that's probably the worst pain I will ever feel in my life.

The only times I've ever seen adults bawl, like cry very very hard, is when a family member, friend, or beloved pet has died. I've actually seen my mom cry really hard when I moved states.

But I think there are people who are more sensitive than others, for instance, I'm an adult and I cry ALOT. Am I a sad or depressed person? No.
But when I see a super sad scene in a movie It's hard for me not to cry. Whereas MOST people don't cry when they watch sad movies, that makes me a little sensitive.

I think whether or not you are a sensitive person depends on what makes you cry and how often you do it.
By chriscanivorous
Posts:  104
Joined:  Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:51 pm
I nearly cried watching hatchi but had to hold it in because my girlfriend was there :'( lol
By anarchyonline
Posts:  36
Joined:  Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:25 am
speaking as an adult i can say that most adults will cry at some point but only after a major traumatic even ie loss of a loved one, serious health concernes for themselfs or a loved one or the breakdown of a long term relationship etc.
we don't tend to cry for things that would have upset a younger person due to life experiences that have prepared us for most given situations and we generaly know how to handle most situations in a constructive manner.
you may not have seen many adults cry for the same reason that my children have never seen's not appropriate for an adult to do this in front of young people as they are unlikely to know how to respond to seeing someone who is supposed to protect them being fragile and can in certain cercumstances cause some emotional issues with the children dependent of course on the situation and age of the child involved.

in short we all cry but most adults will usualy find a more constructive way to cope with the situation.

hope this helps :)
By Vampryotheuthis
Posts:  21
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:56 am
I am 50 years old and while I rarely cry over people, I cry every time I have to give up one of my foster puppies. But then I am a total mush when it comes to dogs and cats. :)

Anyway, I think we have answered the OP's question. Adults do cry and she may not see adults cry. The two are not mutually exclusive.
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