FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By taylerhill
Posts:  120
Joined:  Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:24 pm
So far I only have two VFT's, One is a King Henry and the other is a Sawtooth. I plan on adding a new one to my collection each summer though, so I'll update this as I add!
By taylerhill
Posts:  120
Joined:  Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:24 pm
Update: Now I have 5 VFT's. One Sawtooth, one Wally, one FTS Purple Ambush, and 2 King Henrys (one is a division from the other). They are all waking up out of dormancy now and looking great so far!
By taylerhill
Posts:  120
Joined:  Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:24 pm
Just added an Akai Ryu to my VFT family! I'm too addicted to these plants lol. I also have 6 seeds that I'm trying to germinate at the moment as well.
Weird Pitchers, advice?

I'm concerned about all my plants and wondering if[…]

Welcome to the forum. I thought I’d mention […]

Anything that requires a dormancy, dry rest, or de[…]

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Hello again from Florida

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New cultivar potential?

For its stout leaves and proportionately large t[…]

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Hello from Arkansas!

Hello, heya, howdy. Enjoy the forums! :D

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