FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By sjham16
Posts:  42
Joined:  Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:10 am
i bought a flytrap form this websites store it came very quickly and i love it has lots and lots of traps :D
are the leaves (not the traps) supposed to be a limp and thin at this time of the year?
theres this brand new trap that just opened its trap i tried feeding it a fly but it wouldnt close? =(6^o_o^)=< ?)
is it possible to overfeed and venus fly traps? becasue nearly every single trap has a bug inside it and i read a article that if you feed to many bugs it may like slow down the growth or somehitn g
i i had to take the flytrap out of the soil a couple times, will it get stressed? :?:
is there a way to get really big traps?

thanks :D :D :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :geek:
By Nats
Posts:  718
Joined:  Fri May 13, 2011 1:53 pm
We will need to see a pic of your plant to help answer your questions.

Did you pot the plant yourself from bare root?

Is the pot big enough (4 to 6'' deep)?

Are you using rain or distilled water?

When a plant is repotted, it goes through repotting shock and the traps will not respond.
This usually only lasts a few days.
After potting, you need to soak the plant well so the roots can settle around the potting soil.
Then, dont water it again untill it's just barely moist on top.

Also, it's normal for older outer growth leaves to die off right after potting. It's adjusting to it's new

Dont give it direct sun for a while if you just potted it. It needs to be acclimated to the sun slowly.
Just put it on a sunny windowsill.

There are lots of things that will make the plant look wilted, so we will need a discription of what you
are doing.
More info needed ;)
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