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By Gry
Posts:  391
Joined:  Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:58 pm
I am writing a personal care book now of whichnI will write everything I can find about how to care for a specific species of carnivorous plant per page or two, but I am sortof stuck at burmannii. I know they like full direct sun, but it is the water ing that confuses me because there is so much controvercy. I use the tray method and leave it in a inch of water permanently, day and night. Is that allright for a burmannii? I am considering taking it out at night or when it get colds to only let it stand in water for a total of 6 to 8 hours a day. Would that be better? And does the same watering technique count for capensis? Thanks guys, i appreciate the help!
By Benurmanii
Posts:  2000
Joined:  Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:34 pm
In my experience there is not wrong way to water burmannii. However, since it is hard to repot them due to their short roots I try to top water (which is near impossible my burmannii pot is almost entirely covered with burmannii). If you don't top water it can cause the soil to eventually compact and no oxygen will get to the roots, which I do not believe is a big deal for burmannii, but I try to avoid taking risks.
By Gry
Posts:  391
Joined:  Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:58 pm
Benurmanii wrote:In my experience there is not wrong way to water burmannii. However, since it is hard to repot them due to their short roots I try to top water (which is near impossible my burmannii pot is almost entirely covered with burmannii). If you don't top water it can cause the soil to eventually compact and no oxygen will get to the roots, which I do not believe is a big deal for burmannii, but I try to avoid taking risks.
So top watering is beneficial every once a while. Wow, cant bel8eve I looked that over... but is 6 to 8 hours constantly in a tray of water allright?
By Gry
Posts:  391
Joined:  Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:58 pm
Benurmanii wrote:Yeah, but when it comes to the tray method I simply fill it up a bit and let it sit until the water evaporates, but my burmannii is just a few inches under the lights and on a 15 hour photoperiod. If you don't get much light, water less.
So it doesnt mind if it sits a few days in the tray?
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