FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Vew
Posts:  7
Joined:  Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:36 pm
Been lurking for quite sometime. I'm also on the CP subreddit and fb group. Figure it's about time I introduced myself. I grow indoors in both my home and office. I use LED grow lights for both. I have a handful of VFTs and a wide variety of drosera, where most are recovering from various pest infestations which is a new territory for me. I know some of these insecticides can get a bit pricey and difficult to find or ship, so if anyone is local, please get a hold of me if you need some. I'd be happy to send you home with what you need to knock out your pest problem. I currently have Orthene and Avid.

This originally just started as a small plant to keep in my window as amusement, but it snowballed quite a bit. I might as well roll with it and add it as a hobby.

I'm hoping to visit some sites like Cranberry Glades Botanical Area in Pocahontas County after wedding season to see some CPs in the wild. We have sarracenia purpurea & drosera rotundifolia that grow here. I think they have them in Cranesville Swamp as well which is shared between WV and MD. Although the purple pitcher plant is not native to WV; it was transplanted back in the 1940s from when Glade Run Bog in PA was destroyed during the construction of High Point Lake. I discovered some interesting reading if anyone is interested while researching the history of CPs in our state.

Well, I guess I should stop rambling. Enjoy this macro shot of my baby d. capensis and a gif of a VFT feeding.

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By Rammplins
Posts:  417
Joined:  Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:28 pm
Welcome to the community!
Yeah, I totally understand the snowball. I only wanted 2 VFT's to start my CP collection.....2 months later here I am with 9 plants(some thanks to gifts from generous growers) and Drosera seeds in the mail. Thank goodness I haven't had any pest problems, I keep most of my plants near cilantro, I hear that bugs and critters stay away due to the smell. So far I can say its working.

Also I encourage the rambling. if we cant talk to our hearts content about plants here...then where can we? I know my mailman doesn't want to hear it.
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