FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm

Well, 2 months later... and he had no luck. His females all died for some unknown reason.

BUT, he bought a fertile ooth from Germany and he said it hatched last week so he sent me 20, 1st instars; and here they are today. :)

ImageIMG_1461 by darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_1465 by darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_1478 by darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_1480 by darkrai283, on Flickr
By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm

The first male 4th instar is here. :) The red colouration on the raptorials are much clearer now and they're large enough to be sexed too.

ImageIMG_2306 by Darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2296 by Darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2302 by Darkrai283, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2288 by Darkrai283, on Flickr
By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
Maiden wrote:Wow, great pictures!
tish wrote:Very awesome! I wish to keep them too .but time is never enough here...
kcbugs wrote:Agree with maiden. That female is striking. Kinda makes me want to get back into inverts...
Cory wrote:Lol
I have been planning on adding some of these mantids to my collection strange things lol.

I find them outside from time to time.

The ones I want are quite colorful
Thanks. :)
Grey wrote:Love the new photos. How easily do your mantids take mealworms, Richard? The one thing that kept me from keeping mantids was their requirement for live food, but if I could keep something fairly simple (that our hedgehogs would enjoy in the spring and summer, too) that'd get me interested again.
Sorry about the late reply Rachel, I hadn't really checked the forums since November. :? The majority of species will take mealworms but there are an exception such as the flower mimicking ones that only take flying prey. To make things easier, I feed all my species bluebottle flies I get from a fishing tackle shop as maggots... and if I get any excess flies, they go straight to my plants. :p

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