FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the UK or EU

Moderator: Matt

By Jozef Havrilcak
Posts:  1
Joined:  Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:02 pm
HI guys im looking cephalotus what is not on my list EU or UK oe Usa if u want send to EU.
rare clones must have good back hystori,or plants with location :

my list :

Cephalotus follicularis:

01 - Cephalotus follicularis "Typical" (2011 David Svarc)

02 - Cephalotus follicularis "Giant" (2011 Andreas Wistuba)

03 - Cephalotus follicularis "German giant" (2011 David Svarc)

04 - Cephalotus follicularis "Big boy" (2012 Koen Van der Veken)

05 - Cephalotus follicularis "Hummer's giant" (2012 Koen Van der Veken)

06 - Cephalotus follicularis "Dudley Watts" (2012 Jens Brettschneider)

07 - Cephalotus follicularis "Marston Exotics 1985 aka Adrian Slack's clone" (2012 Koen Van der Veken)

08 - Cephalotus follicularis "Adrian slack" (2012 Matthew Hutley)

09 - Cephalotus follicularis "Vigorous Clumping" (2012 Matthew Hutley)

10 - Cephalotus follicularis "Eden black" (2012 Stephan Morley)

11 - Cephalotus follicularis "Black" (2013 David Svarc )

12 - Cephalotus follicularis "Phil Mann" (2013 Tobias Kulig)

13 - Cephalotus follicularis "Crimson" (2013 Matthew Hutley)

14 - Cephalotus follicularis 'Triffid Albany Black' (2013 Luis Aragon)

15 - Cephalotus follicularis 'Queen Mary' (2013 Luis Aragon)

16 - Cephalotus follicularis 'Hampshire Black' (2013 Luis Aragon)

17 - Cephalotus follicularis 'Kingsley' (2013 Luis Aragon)

18 - Cephalotus follicularis "Czech Giant" (2013 USA)

19 - Cephalotus follicularis "Double Ribbed" (2013 USA)

20 - Cephalotus follicularis "Emu Point Giant (2013 USA)

21 - Cephalotus follicularis "Squat" (2013 USA)

22 - Cephalotus follicularis "Wilhelma" (BG Stuttgart) (2013 Mathias Maier )

23 - Cephalotus follicularis "Pascal Giant" (2013 Neil Chaplin)

24 - Cephalotus follicularis "Julia Jones" (2014 Stehen Morley)

25 - Cephalotus follicularis "Coal mine beach" (2014 Dimi)

26 - Cephalotus follicularis "Coxon's rocket"
By jwalker
Posts:  419
Joined:  Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:39 pm
Jesus that's a hell of a list lol. I'll take one of each please lol.

I think you got them all.
By jwalker
Posts:  419
Joined:  Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:39 pm
No but seriously if there is more about the only 2 ppl I can think of is snapperhead and allen lowrie if them 2 men don't have it no one probably does. But I haven't seen snapperhead post anywhere in 2 years.
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
You might have some success with Best Carnivorous Plants, based in the Czech Republic. They don't have Cephalotus plants for sale on their website but have a variety of seeds -- not quite mature plants, I understand, but I mention it because it might mean that they have mature plants available but not listed for sale. They do state that they have an exclusive stock list ("special collection") for people interested in trading or helping them with the website (see here), so it might be worth emailing them and enquiring.
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