FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Title Statistics Last post
Venus Fly Trap Care Questions
Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps
8926 Topics 
67186 Posts
Re: Too Hot?
by Fishkeeper
Venus Fly Trap General Discussions
Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones
4160 Topics 
34444 Posts
Re: Leaf cutting
by Fishkeeper
Water Quality, Growing Media and Planting Containers
Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers
1433 Topics 
11251 Posts
Re: Water Quality
by andynorth
Photos of Venus Fly traps
Share photos of your Venus Fly Traps here.

I've mailed it.

Venus flytraps in the greenhouse

Venus flytraps are temperate plants that go dorman[…]

Too Hot?

I know you've already found the problem, but for m[…]


"Worm" is an exceedingly large group of […]

Survive? Probably long enough for your vacation. R[…]

Thank you Chef.

Order received. Your order number is 1700. I'll PM[…]

Cold temperate Pinguicula

Cold temperate Pings IMO simply don't get enough[…]

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