FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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2221 Topics 
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Re: Out of stock?
by ChefDean
Best place to get affordable spagmoss

Been needing to repot a few of my tropical plants […]

Cape Sundew root cuttings

it'll be difficult to determine what happened with[…]

Wolfcub852 requests D. "Hercules" x self[…]

Greeting from Georgia

I think you misspelled that word. It's addiction, […]

Out of stock?

It got hit pretty quickly, and I wasn't sure as to[…]

1699 Request seed

International can request three packs every three […]

calling all cp growers from the Bay Area

I know there are regular BACPS meetings, but I was[…]

Hungry insects?

I would suggest that it has happened to everyone w[…]

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