FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Sales/Trades Experiences
Post your experience here, good or bad, to help others in future transactions
88 Topics 
345 Posts
Re: Transaction with BumpyEve…
by BumpyEvergreen
Sales, Trades & Wants USA
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US
3164 Topics 
20679 Posts
Lowii and Villosa for sale
by bay_area_botanicals
Sales, Trades & Wants UK & EU
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the UK or EU
371 Topics 
1383 Posts
Re: (Want) SD Kronos venus fl…
by ChefDean
Sales, Trades & Wants Other Regions
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live outside the US, UK or EU
221 Topics 
884 Posts
what is a good place to buy v…
by rayhahahaha
Seed Bank
Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.
3425 Topics 
18493 Posts
Wolfcub258 requests Wolfcub85…
by Wolfcub258
Group Orders
Post here to organize or join a group order
45 Topics 
1966 Posts
Re: BCP group order
by cpgrower126
Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies
392 Topics 
15111 Posts
Re: On this day sign up
by Intheswamp

Wolfcub852 requests D. "Hercules" x self[…]

Greeting from Georgia

I think you misspelled that word. It's addiction, […]

Out of stock?

It got hit pretty quickly, and I wasn't sure as to[…]

1699 Request seed

International can request three packs every three […]

calling all cp growers from the Bay Area

I know there are regular BACPS meetings, but I was[…]

Hungry insects?

I would suggest that it has happened to everyone w[…]

Lowii and Villosa for sale

I'm trying to purchase a few other neps on my buck[…]

How do I care for plants during vacation!?

If you put the indoor plants in a humidity dome an[…]

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