FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Talk about your orchids and share photos of them here
283 Topics 
1744 Posts
Re: Phal lighting question
by evenwind
Other Non-Carnivorous Plants
Discuss non-carnivorous plants here
638 Topics 
4308 Posts
Bear Paw Succulent
by PlantMom84
Flower stalk

Or spidermites?

OMG so many VFTS! It was hard to pick just 1 but I[…]

Irish peat moss

Can I use Irish peat moss for my Venus fly traps?

SnappyPlants store!

May we request to know the Scientific Lab name for[…]

Got these for trade or sale!

Has he been blocked from posting ! He's bee[…]

Hey all, I’ll be going on vacation for 3 wee[…]

Advice on dying butterwort

Hi guys. I’ve had a small butterwort for s[…]

(Want) SD Kronos venus flytrap

Do proper research. Google isn't the greatest, but[…]

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