FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the UK or EU

Moderator: Matt

By Savior7
Posts:  29
Joined:  Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:10 am
Hello everybody,

Is anyone interested in swapping tissue cultures within europe ?

I have some drosera, cephalotus and nepenthes to offer. For further information leave me a message and i will send you some pictures.

best regards

I agree with Shadowtski. Read the information at […]

I usually stratify for at least 6 weeks. After tha[…]

You want it to be under 50ppm. Ideally it should b[…]


Welcome from an introvert who can’t shut up […]

Hello from Germany

Hi there and welcome! It’s always nice to m[…]

New here

Heya and welcome! Another one liberating from Lowe[…]

Should I just leave them be?

Was the flytrap identified to you as a red garne[…]


One Large Agnes Was SOLD They must’ve love[…]

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