The first frost

Well, we finally got our first frost here in southern Oregon, on December frigging 3rd, wow, the climate is just odd these last years. We keep our Flytraps outdoors until it is almost frost/freeze and then bring them into greenhouses and keep them at around 50F.

For “dormancy” the most important thing is the plant’s exposure to the changing light cycles, this triggers the Venus Flytrap to go into dormancy. Venus Flytraps, like other species like trees and bears, like a nice winter rest so they can spring back in the Spring. Cool temperatures also help, but the outdoors light cycles are integral. So, if it’s frost/freeze where you are, be sure your Flytraps are in the windowsill that gets the very best light and sunlight, and then put them back outdoors when the weather allows!

Nighty night little traps!

7 thoughts on “The first frost”

  1. Hi Leah! So happy to see your insights/thoughts on flytraps. You have been letting Matt have all the fun for way too long.

    Here in KC, we had our first frost back in October. I typically allow my plants to experience a couple of frosts, and have had great luck with dormancy. When temperatures get down to 20 degrees at night, I bring them into my unheated garage, under fluorescent lights for 9 hrs a day, and they go back out usually by mid March.


    • Hi Jeff!! So good to hear from you! That is so interesting that you let your Flytraps go through a few frosts! We have accidentally done that before, and it’s true, they do fine other than some trap damage. They’ve even frozen solid due to heater mishaps, and come out of that fine. They’re such hardy little buggers as long as they get their basic care needs met. LOVE THEM. 🙂 Keep those comments coming, they’re great!

      • Yep, they’re pretty hardy. 2 years ago, I left a large (24″) pot of them outside for the entire winter just to see what would come of it. About 25% of them survived the winter. As you would expect, it was the traps toward the center of the pot.

  2. Leah. Flytraps are a lot more hardy than all the books say. I live in the mid-Willamette Valley and have been growing them for at least 5 years.

    I never remove them from their outdoor pools, nor do I cover the pools – even when it gets down to -5 degrees F or colder for a few days. The pots and water in the pools freezes solid on occasion. I have no idea if the rhizomes freeze as well, but suspect they do.

    I would cover them with plastic if it got that cold along with a strong wind, but that has not happened yet.

    So far, the plants have done just fine with such cavalier treatment.
    Of course, most of the traps die off, but plenty of new ones appear in the spring.

    • Wow, Bill, that’s impressive, I’m too afraid to leave them out for that long in the cold if there’s a chance of frost/freeze, but it’s very interesting to hear. The Willamette Valley is beautiful, how lucky for your Flytraps to be living there.

    • Fly Trap second try
      I think this year my trap is going into dormancy without any issues. I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and decided a few weeks ago to bring the trap in to my Florida room which allows for a good amount of sunlight to enter the room. I placed the trap on the floor near the door. I am keeping the temp at about 55 degrees, and reduced my watering routine. I am concerned and wondering about the traps that are dying off, should I be removing them or just let it alone till spring?


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