FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about terrariums, mini bogs, greenhouses and other growing environments

Moderator: Matt

By Nolen Pitzer
Posts:  27
Joined:  Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:48 am
so I’ve had this terrarium up and running for like five months and today I was messing With some moss and a worm popped out i took it and threw it away but there might be more. are these bad for a terrarium and are there any ways to get rid of them without hurting the plants?
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  881
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
"Worm" is an exceedingly large group of animals. Impossible to say anything for sure without knowing what type of worm, but most worms you'll find in dirt eat detritus and rotting material, which is generally harmless to plants. Carnivorous plants being the exception- too many worms may release too many nutrients into their substrate.
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