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By Jade
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I have a LOT of pill bottles I end up throwing out, and I have seen that some folks use them but not sure where. Are they used for stratification? More? Like leaf pullings or stalks?

If there is a way for me to put less clutter into the world by reusing stuff like my pill bottles I’d be interested. I just figured since they weren’t completely transparent that maybe they’d only work for something like stratification where light isn’t part of the process.
By Frogjammer
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i use pill bottle. i cut up sundew leaf and put in the bottle. then put distiled watr in bottle. wait for time. then u get free sundeew. mail me ur pill bottle or too sed bank if not in udse
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By Jade
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Frogjammer wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:53 am i use pill bottle. i cut up sundew leaf and put in the bottle. then put distiled watr in bottle. wait for time. then u get free sundeew. mail me ur pill bottle or too sed bank if not in udse
I don’t think that the seed bank uses them, and for now I’ll probably be using them, but thank you for the answer.
I use them for propagation as well. You can also store larger seed or seed packs in them in the fridge.
Awesome thanks. That would be much better for labeling seed packets I’m storing for the short term.

Actually when you say propagation do you mean stratification AND stuff like leaf pulling? I don’t know how that works I haven’t tried it yet.
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By Panman
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Jade wrote:Actually when you say propagation do you mean stratification AND stuff like leaf pulling? I don’t know how that works I haven’t tried it yet.
All of the above. This is an experiment I have going on. It is a capilaris that was in decline. I pulled the plant and put it in here. It has been there a few months with no real change. You can also see that there is a leaf pulling that seems to have made a strike. I have done this with filiformis and capensis with great success.
IMG_20240726_155518_(1100_x_1800_pixel).jpg (310.25 KiB) Viewed 1095 times
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By Jade
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wcrosman wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:52 pm Convenient for ground mmj. :)
I had no clue what this stood for but yeah that would be convenient. I never got a card because I can’t handle the feeling anymore. If they could make that go away it would probably help a lot of my problems.
You can also see that there is a leaf pulling that seems to have made a strike. I have done this with filiformis and capensis with great success.
That’s really cool. Do you think that works better than the clear ones?
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By DragonsEye
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I grow Pygmy sundews in them and have even grown small rosette types as well as D. hartmeyerorum and single Byblis (for the hart and Byblis I used the large pill bottles). Just drill or melt some holes along the bottom.
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By Jade
Posts:  452
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Just saw this ... ll-bottles
Wow I wouldn’t have thought to google that but it’s a really cool article with some links to other neato things to do with them.

I didn’t know that all those places would take them either. I would recycle but unfortunately I don’t drive. I can’t reliably get a ride there which sucks. But at least this way I might be able to cut down on some of the waste.
I grow Pygmy sundews in them and have even grown small rosette types as well as D. hartmeyerorum and single Byblis (for the hart and Byblis I used the large pill bottles). Just drill or melt some holes along the bottom.
Wait like just the seedlings or from seeds to adulthood you just keep them in the pill bottles? Because if that can work it’d be a HUGE way to cut how much room the regular pots take for those at least and now that I’m thinking about it maybe generally some seeds could start growing in those? It would make the area grow lighhts can cover dramatically more efficient.
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By DragonsEye
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Pygmies — from gemmae to death — can spend their entire lives this way. For the small diameter pill bottles, one Pygmy. For a large bottle, 2-4 Pygmies depending on the size of the adult plants.

For D. hart or Byb, seedlings can be started in a large one, but I’d only do one plant/large bottle to maturity.
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