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re technical names

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:45 am
by fly_trap_malta
can someone help me with identifying the technical names for the following vfts? :) Both bought from holland...I'm sure they're hybrids..maybe holland red, b52 or clumping cultivar are the names i've come up with.. based on pictures found on the net. thanks

Re: re technical names

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:48 am
by fly_trap_malta
PIC_1 : long teeth, (full green traps, full red traps, and half bright red/half green traps)

Re: re technical names

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:51 am
by fly_trap_malta
Pic_2 : mainly all green, except for a few. Long traps. some have a pale red on the inner side of the trap

Re: re technical names

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:02 pm
by parker679
Unless they came from a reputable source AND had identifying tags, you really can't name them.

Some of the more odd traps may be easier to identify, like wacky traps, and mirror, but even then how do you know you don't just have a seed grown with those parents?

Named clones are all genetically identical; they come from tissue culture, leaf pullings, or natural divisions. Deciding what named cultivar you have based on how it looks doesn't guarantee it's genetically identical. So while it may look like a b52, or a holland red, it's still considered a typical without actual proof.

Clumping growth is as much a sign of a plant recently out of TC as it is any specific clone. And large traps are often seen on well grown typicals.

I don't mean to sound harsh. It's just people often buy plants and post pictures wanting to know what named variety they got and unless your plant came with a tag, it's a typical.