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By ChefDean
Posts:  10444
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
This is a two-fer thank you. Or, duas pessoas obrigado! in Portuguese.
I'd like to thank our new member, Saurus24, for his initial donation. He has shared with us nine packs of sundew seeds.
To begin, he sent in a pack of intermedia, one of spatulata "Tamlin", a capillaris "Emeralds Envy", a binata "Small Red Form", and a pack of burmannii that has a couple of portions in it.
But wait! There's more!
He also sent us three packs of latifolia (Serro do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil). We've had latifolia in the past, but this is a new location.
Last, he sent in a species that I don't think we have ever had in the seed bank, at least I can't find reference to it. He has sent in a pack of D. sp. rubripetala, and it looks like there are a couple of portions if we are conservative with it.
The second thank you goes to Aquis31, who is friends with Saurus24. Aquis31 told him about us, how we aren't too mean, and Saurus24 joined up to be part of the family. Cool story, isn't it.
Saurus24, thank you for your generosity.
The intermedia, spatulata, burmannii, capillaris, and binata are immediately available to all eligible members.
The latifolia and rubripetala are available to donors only for the next 48 hours, and every eligible member after that.
Shadowtski, MikeB, Aquis31 and 1 others liked this

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