FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Title Statistics Last post
Pitcher Plants
Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here
3840 Topics 
31618 Posts
Re: No seeds this season
by andynorth
Tropical Pitcher Plants
Discuss Nepenthes plant care here
3352 Topics 
24477 Posts
Re: Can anyone help me identi…
by RyanOR
Sundews, Rainbow Plants, and Dewy Pines
Discuss Drosera, Byblis, and Drosophyllum plant care here
4239 Topics 
32354 Posts
Ants Potential Root Disturban…
by jdbcfoshee
Discuss Pinguicula care here
928 Topics 
7254 Posts
New butterworts owner
by kmae19
All other Carnivorous Plants/General CP Discussions
Discuss any carnivorous plant that doesn't fit in the above categories here or general chat about carnivorous plants
1371 Topics 
9499 Posts
Re: My Coleman cooler dormanc…
by andynorth
CP identification Forum
Got a carnivorous plant and you don't know what it is? Ask here!
634 Topics 
4277 Posts
Re: Ping ID
by wcrosman
Care guides and tutorials
Post any care guides or tutorials here.
101 Topics 
771 Posts
Re: An eye-opening discovery …
by MikeB
It is August ..

Thank you all! This doesn't mean that we are closi[…]

Scary sign up

1. Panman - Just call me Michael 2. thepitchergrow[…]

Scary giveaway

To get some boos

New butterworts owner

Hi, I’m new here I got a Butterworts recentl[…]

I recently notice ants in my Dewey Pine pot. Shou[…]

If it came from a big box store by all means repot[…]

If I had two I would just send you each one. I wil[…]

Found. Thanks @evenwind.

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