FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Talk about your orchids and share photos of them here
289 Topics 
1785 Posts
Re: My BLC Copper Queen Catal…
by DragonsEye
Other Non-Carnivorous Plants
Discuss non-carnivorous plants here
643 Topics 
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Re: Jade Plant question
by optique
Scary sign up

1. Panman - Just call me Michael 2. thepitchergrow[…]

Scary giveaway

A broom closet

I recently notice ants in my Dewey Pine pot. Shou[…]

It is August ..

I will contribute a prize :D

If it came from a big box store by all means repot[…]

If I had two I would just send you each one. I wil[…]

Found. Thanks @evenwind.

Also pm'ed you.

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