FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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NyctoNewts Grow List

Ooh, you've got a Brunswick Beauty. If you ever ha[…]

Is this vft seedling dying?

It might be overwatered, especially if the top is […]

Should My Purpureas Go Dormant This Winter?

I gotten these Sarracenia Purpureas back in July, […]

Still thinning the herd.

Do you have a leaf cutting of D. binata "Mars[…]

What is the humidity level like? My temperate sund[…]

I got some germ that suprised me a little Just one[…]

Dying plants, please help!

Thanks again. I treated most today. I'll do the re[…]

I usually wait to cut traps until there is no gree[…]

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