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Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:19 pm
by Budukai
I recently purchased a XL triffid trap. This is the first XL flytrap I've ever gotten from this seller, up to this point. I had a little extra cash and I wanted to see what an XL plant was like. The plants I've gotten from the seller up to this point were quite awesome and cheap, but man was it anticlimactic when I saw the XL plant. After an e-mail I gave the seller as an inquiry for why it looked the way it did when compared to flytraps I've gotten before, the reply was "Don't compare apples to oranges" -_- flytraps are all different and weren't based on the size of the traps, but the bulbs or rhizomes. I understood that full well, it was just that the plant did not look good for a plant that old, it almost looked like it just got out of dormancy, but it had two cut flower stalks, so maybe they were recently cut and the flytrap is regaining strength. Enough about the disappointment, I made my bed, now I have to lie in it.
My questions are, I've read about triffids and their rapid growth habits, but does anyone have pictures of their own triffid traps I can compare to? [not pictures from Google plz] What kind of experience have you had with this type of culitvar?
Triffidtraps.jpg (36.99 KiB) Viewed 6598 times
Triffid.jpg (30.19 KiB) Viewed 6598 times
Never again :|

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:02 pm
by uglypho
Hello Ron,

I think Triffid Traps is a variety that stays mostly green, however it's not completely anthocyanin-free. I've never grown the plant, but I've seen plenty of pictures of it.

Yeah I would expect more from an "XL". Even worse is the curt response you got from the seller after bringing up the issue.

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:17 pm
by mktamin
My friend has a Triffid Trap, and it too looked like yours when he first received it.
Luckily, Triffid Traps are known for growing vigorously, divides easily, and has some nice trap coloration, so by next growing season after dormancy kills most of those whimpy leaves, it will (hopefully) start looking like a real triffid trap ;) (sorry, don't have any pics, though you could look at the website of the creator of the triffid trap: ... plants.htm )

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:58 am
by afh928
So when you order online the size is based on the rhizome, NOT the plant itself?!

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:19 am
by mktamin
afh928 wrote:So when you order online the size is based on the rhizome, NOT the plant itself?!
I think it depends on the seller, and I would think the bigger the rhizome, the larger the plant can be (if healthy).

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:55 pm
by Budukai
uglypho wrote:Hello Ron,

I think Triffid Traps is a variety that stays mostly green, however it's not completely anthocyanin-free. I've never grown the plant, but I've seen plenty of pictures of it.

Yeah I would expect more from an "XL". Even worse is the curt response you got from the seller after bringing up the issue.
Yeah, wasn't much of a conversation at that point so I promptly ended it with words of gratitude and thought it was just a lost cause. I'll see this thing through, and maybe hopefully I can sell the divisions when it happens next year, to possibly make up for this pricey bugger.
mktamin wrote:My friend has a Triffid Trap, and it too looked like yours when he first received it.
Luckily, Triffid Traps are known for growing vigorously, divides easily, and has some nice trap coloration, so by next growing season after dormancy kills most of those whimpy leaves, it will (hopefully) start looking like a real triffid trap ;) (sorry, don't have any pics, though you could look at the website of the creator of the triffid trap: ... plants.htm )

Thanks for the info, I checked out the site, but all that was there was the plants picture, not much history to be told sadly. The good news is the traps have caught 2 flies already, so it isn't a complete wimp :)

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:59 am
by linton
Here's a photo of mine from last year, I didn't take a new photo because mine are all just coming out of dormancy To give you an idea of size, the pot is 95cm x 95 cm.
Triffid Traps 2008
Triffid Traps 2008
Triffid Traps Dec'08.JPG (653.31 KiB) Viewed 6503 times

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:05 pm
by Matt
This was one of the threads that I missed when I was moving. That's unfortunate that you got a plant that was a little disappointing and that the seller didn't level with you about it. Who was the seller?

How's it look now?

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:16 pm
by Budukai
Matt wrote:This was one of the threads that I missed when I was moving. That's unfortunate that you got a plant that was a little disappointing and that the seller didn't level with you about it. Who was the seller?

How's it look now?
Sure, here's an updated picture, it looks alot better, but now that it's getting close to dormant time and all that's the best it's going to look for now. I'll PM you the seller, don't want to give him unwanted attention ^^
linton wrote:Here's a photo of mine from last year, I didn't take a new photo because mine are all just coming out of dormancy To give you an idea of size, the pot is 95cm x 95 cm.
Wow Linton that looks nice, mine never did show much color like that. It had some color in the beginning, but none after that.

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:23 am
by linton
The photo was taken mid Summer, the plant had only been repotted a couple of months before and the sun was really harsh - we had a period of 40C plus weather for a couple of weeks. Surprisingly though, the plant made it through that hot period without sunburn.

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:29 am
by nesler
Wow, that plant definitely woke up, didn't it?

Given its appearance now, are you still disappointed? If your plant had looked as it does now when it came in the mail, how would you have felt?

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:32 pm
by Budukai
nesler wrote:Wow, that plant definitely woke up, didn't it?

Given its appearance now, are you still disappointed? If your plant had looked as it does now when it came in the mail, how would you have felt?
I would have definitly felt different about the situation if it did come to me looking like this, but I would never have paid as much as I did unless that thing looked like it dominated that pot like it could have, given enough time of course..

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:21 pm
by Amac
What's the difference between a triffid trap and a normal one?

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:30 pm
by Matt
Amac wrote:What's the difference between a triffid trap and a normal one?
I'm not sure what the characteristics make Triffid Traps distinguishable. Most of the photos I've seen of it look like a typical VFT to me. There are many clones in circulation that don't appear to be very different than a typical.

Re: Triffid Traps

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:07 pm
by Budukai
Amac wrote:What's the difference between a triffid trap and a normal one?
"It is similar to the typical flytrap in color and form, with two major exceptions: it usually produces more leaves and traps, giving it a more clumping appearance; and it is typically a more vigorous, faster grower." quoted from So those are the basic differences.