FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By davinstewart
Posts:  345
Joined:  Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:29 pm
Received a flaming lips vft and plant arrived in promptly great condition bare root in moist paper towel in a plastic bag shipped in a small box.

Great experience and would definitely trade with Blackfeather666 in the future.

Blackfeather666 liked this

Sowed the Nepenthes cross on 9/1, noticed first tw[…]

Welcome! Just as an aside, while VFTs make difficu[…]

Scary sign up

1. Panman - Just call me Michael 2. thepitchergrow[…]

I hope it arrives soon.

Scary giveaway

His mummy

Looking forward to it, thanks!

Welcome to the forum. What part of Wisconsin do […]

New butterworts owner

it looks like a P.cyclosecta at the moment it is […]

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