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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

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By Gry
Posts:  394
Joined:  Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:58 pm
Hi people.

So, this is my first post in years, so... Bear with me. If Iam doing something wrong, please let me know so I can correct things.

Anyways, onto the question!

So, Vft's are capable of self pollination, but... What exactly are the pros and cons of a self-pollinated plant versus a cross-pollinated plant?

Would a seedling borne of a self pollinated seed still mature into a healthy plant, Or would it be noticably weaker or otherwise be unhealthy once matured?

Additionally, has anyone here actually... *Noticed* a difference between matured self-pollinated plants vs cross-pollinated plants in your own collections?

I think the responses of you guys could be quite interesting, so, really, thanks in advance for any info.
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By Panman
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Theoretically, a self pollinated flower will produce weaker and fewer seeds. That being said, I haven't personally grown out enough seeds to know. I do know that selfed sarrs definitely produce a higher number of weaker seedlings than cross pollinated ones.
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By Gry
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That certainly does make sense, Even if it is... a little disappointing, to some degree.

Still, hearing these observations and opinions are interesting.
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By steve booth
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Self pollinated seeds do have a higher proportion of 'weaker' seedlings, but by no means all. Over here I grow most of mine outdoors which in itself does have an element of natural selection, especially with small seedlings over winter.
I have probably hundreds of self pollinated plants, some weak but the majority are fairly robust and have a normal growth habit.
Pros and cons
Self pollination retains the genetics of the plant and retains its characteristics.
Self pollination - fewer smaller seeds.
Self pollination does not require the production of large amounts of pollen.
Cross pollination has more genetic diversity, more and bigger seeds, hybrid vigour in growth habit.

I'm sure there are many more but that is what comes immediately to mind.

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By Gry
Posts:  394
Joined:  Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:58 pm
This highlights points in a clear and helpful manner, thanks man!
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