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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Panman
Posts:  7119
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
I need some advice. We are doing the yoyo between the 10s and 30s for the next week. I checked the pots today and the ones to the left, that are shaded are frozen solid. They are all sarrs, and that is good. To the right are the flytraps and because they are getting sun, they have/will thaw during the day and freeze at night. Do I let them ride or cover it all with a tarp?
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By MikeB
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I'd cover them. Do you have any thick, translucent plastic? That would let some sunshine through while protecting them from the wind. It would also let them warm up during the day, which will take the edge off the nighttime cold. It not, a regular blue or green tarp would do.
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By Panman
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MikeB wrote: Do you have any thick, translucent plastic?
What, SaranWrap won't work?
MikeB wrote: It not, a regular blue or green tarp would do.
Green tarp it is. Actually, that is the only tarp I have that is big enough to cover that area.
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By Panman
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Turned out the green wasn't big enough but I did find the blue one I would use to wrap the Squirrel Defense 5000. Hopefully this will be enough.
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By schmeg
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Once in a while I have stowed my flytraps in the garage for a week when I'm out of town and big summer storms (high wind, hail) are forecast.

Being sunless for a week doesn't seem to hurt them at all (compared to the risk of storm damage).
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By optique
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I put a pot of each type of thread leaf sundew inside my barn, they are not as hardy as the other stuff.
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By andynorth
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I bought extension cord and small space heater. Had my wife do the work since I am still laid up. I am awake throughout the night and when temp alerts to 34 degrees I kick heater on. I let it run for a couple hours then repeat. Overkill? Maybe, but less stressful. I also have garden blankets but not sure if pots get warm enough that way. I think next year I will invest in one of the propane tank heaters. We are normally in low 40's and getting ready for last of the ice. Not so sure this year.

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