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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

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By andynorth
Posts:  2144
Joined:  Fri May 12, 2023 9:08 pm
I was cleaning my indoor greenhouse today and decided to also transplant my Ceph for the very first time. I had soil for it that I bought some time ago, just never got around to it.
It was much easier than I thought it would be. I dug around the outside, deep enough to avoid the roots. I pulled the entire thing out and set it in its new home, filled it all in and watered it. My Heli is next, never done one of them either!!
The top 2 on the left and the bottom 1 on the left were taken today. The other 2 were taken in May, 2024. Not a bad progress. If you zoom on the pics they look way better.
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By Jade
Posts:  526
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
Ooh they’re so freakin cute! Cephs are on my list of plants in the higher difficulty category that I want to try. How hard do you find them to be compared to the other plants?

I want to try these, cobra lilies, and helia, but I wanted to try and get enough experience with other plants so I hopefully won’t kill them lol.
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By andynorth
Posts:  2144
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I have found thus far that my one heli and one ceph have faired pretty well and have not been too difficult as they do not require much attention. High humidity, out of direct light. Cobra lily's are a bit more difficult but if you give them cold water every few days they are fine. I have some of my seedlings that are in my old aqua bowl my first had frozen in.
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By Jade
Posts:  526
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
Like refrigated water or is that too cold? I’m always looking at my lovelies, so I could definitely give them that kind of attention. I think I read somewhere people putting ice cubes in the tray or something like that. I think I could probably do that in the little refrigerator with distilled water. I wasn’t sure though if that was a legit thing people did.

And that’s really cool. I think I might start looking for a baby one of those 3. Not sure if any of them don’t have dormancy though. If not I’ll probably just wait for spring.
By hollyhock
Posts:  5881
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
We seem to baby these plants like they are so fragile. I have seen people rip cephalotus apart when dividing larger plants. And yes they pout for a while. But they are way more resilient than we give credit. :D
I have had a tiny stalk that was all that was left. I thought I killed it. Yet here it is today :D And pop an osmocote pellet into open pitchers once in a while. They will explode :lol:
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