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By PlantMom84
Posts:  153
Joined:  Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:43 am
Hey guys!

I have a question about Jade plants. I was gifted a Jade plant last month and it's finally growing roots. I went to water it yesterday and noticed some of the leaves closest to the soil are shriveled. What am I doing wrong? Is it going to be ok? What can I do to fix it before it really hurts the plant? TIA
Note: Forgot to water for a couple of weeks

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By alecStewart1
Posts:  229
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
It's probably fine, but what mix are you using? Some like a looser catcus/succulent mix is probably the best.

Also to note is that they aren't heavy fertilizing plants nor do they like to be soggy.

Also also they don't like anything below 45 degrees, but they can handle being in the low 50s if they're medium is dry.

If all of those are good, wait and see if it starts losing more leaves before doing anything else.
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By PlantMom84
Posts:  153
Joined:  Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:43 am
alecStewart1 wrote:It's probably fine, but what mix are you using? Some like a looser catcus/succulent mix is probably the best.

Also to note is that they aren't heavy fertilizing plants nor do they like to be soggy.

Also also they don't like anything below 45 degrees, but they can handle being in the low 50s if they're medium is dry.

If all of those are good, wait and see if it starts losing more leaves before doing anything else.
Not sure about the soil. It was given as a gift. After attempting to repot it once and finding out it was all cuttings, I have left it alone. Any advice welcome Image

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By optique
Posts:  2065
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just don't water it till the soil drys out. its very forgiving just let it dry before you water it.

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