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By septembersapphire21
Posts:  220
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:26 pm
I gotten these Sarracenia Purpureas back in July, and I've gotten them acclimated outside with my Sarr Alata, parrot pitcher plant and VFTs. They look rough because some green worm parasite thing got a hold of them mid August and they are slowly trying to recover. :( Because of them looking like this and since they didn't had much time in the summer to grow to their fullest, is it possible they need to go dormant?

These are my first purpureas and I wanna make sure I'm caring for them right. If they need to be ready for dormancy, then should I trim all the old pitchers in November or leave them go? Any tips is appreciated! :)
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By steve booth
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If the plant is stressed it is important that it does have a dormancy, trying to grow over winter in less than ideal conditions will stress it further and could kill it. The size of the ala's (wing bit on the pitcher rib) and their green coulouration would tend to indicate a lack of light .
Let them carry on this year as best they can, put them in full sunlight, give them a dormancy, and next year they should perk up. If they are full purpurea they will be tough as old boots, so will come good given a little assistance.
Don't cut off any green pitchers, the green is making useful energy from photosynthesis to the plant. If the pants are outside do nothing to them till spring, they might look bad but any dead foliage will offer some protection. All Sarracenia need every last photon of light you can give them, to grow anywhere near well, you need a lot more light for those plants if possible.
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By septembersapphire21
Posts:  220
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steve booth wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:04 am If the plant is stressed it is important that it does have a dormancy, trying to grow over winter in less than ideal conditions will stress it further and could kill it. The size of the ala's (wing bit on the pitcher rib) and their green coulouration would tend to indicate a lack of light .
Let them carry on this year as best they can, put them in full sunlight, give them a dormancy, and next year they should perk up. If they are full purpurea they will be tough as old boots, so will come good given a little assistance.
Don't cut off any green pitchers, the green is making useful energy from photosynthesis to the plant. If the pants are outside do nothing to them till spring, they might look bad but any dead foliage will offer some protection. All Sarracenia need every last photon of light you can give them, to grow anywhere near well, you need a lot more light for those plants if possible.
This is great help! I'll make sure they go dormant then, and yes they're full purpurea! I'm surprised about you saying they're lacking light, I do have them out in full sun with my other CPs, they're getting sunlight between 7AM to now 7PM. I think it's more that whatever pest got a hold of them that stunted their growth. As of now, I'll make sure they'll be outside until early-mid November when I bring my temperate CPs in my garage for dormancy, and I'll do my best to care for them. Thankfully where I'll have them is at a east facing window, which can still help them get enough photons. Thank you so much for replying!

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