- Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:35 am
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Are my plants goners?!?!?
First off I’m going to start off by saying that this is all my fault. I usually keep my plants indoors under a grow light because the insects around here are horrible year round and the temps during the summer stay in the triple digits so almost nothing survives outside except Bermuda grass and my aloe Vera plant.
The temps took a sharp drop last week and the lows have been in the mid to upper 60s with highs in the low 80s. So I decided to give my plants some direct sunlight since the temperature outside was the exact same as the inside of my house so my plants wouldn’t be shocked by taking them outside. Unfortunately, I left them outside over night and when I brought them back inside I discovered freshly hatched armyworm larvae
ALL OVER THEM!!! The traps that hadn’t even opened yet were filled with larvae that crawled inside and the open traps were completely covered on the inside on the trap. All after just one night of being outside.
I have sprayed them down and I’m waiting to repost them so I can guarantee none are left behind buried deep in the media. My concern is that the spray I used might not be safe for these plants. I freaked out as soon as I saw them covering my plants and grabbed the only pesticide that I had on hand and started saturating them, the media, the pots and trays as they were covering everything by the time I noticed it. I even had to wipe down that entire area of my house.
First off I’m going to start off by saying that this is all my fault. I usually keep my plants indoors under a grow light because the insects around here are horrible year round and the temps during the summer stay in the triple digits so almost nothing survives outside except Bermuda grass and my aloe Vera plant.
The temps took a sharp drop last week and the lows have been in the mid to upper 60s with highs in the low 80s. So I decided to give my plants some direct sunlight since the temperature outside was the exact same as the inside of my house so my plants wouldn’t be shocked by taking them outside. Unfortunately, I left them outside over night and when I brought them back inside I discovered freshly hatched armyworm larvae
I have sprayed them down and I’m waiting to repost them so I can guarantee none are left behind buried deep in the media. My concern is that the spray I used might not be safe for these plants. I freaked out as soon as I saw them covering my plants and grabbed the only pesticide that I had on hand and started saturating them, the media, the pots and trays as they were covering everything by the time I noticed it. I even had to wipe down that entire area of my house.
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Snappy’s Mom