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By ChefDean
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The post office is doing something hinky, but there's a way to counter it.
I've recently received envelopes back that I sent a month ago, with the USPS stamps and stickers stating "no such number", " illegible", "unable to forward", "return to sender", and "postage due $3.65". And that was just one envelope. Bullspit!
From now on, on your request envelope that you send to me, put my address as the mailing address AND the return address.
On the SASE, put your address as the mailing address AND the return address. This way, if they try this crap some more, when they return it to the sender, it should still come back to you.
I've messaged the members whose envelopes came back to confirm addresses, then I will re-send the seeds.
Bless their little, letter carrying hearts.

Edit: I read through responses to this and I realized that it sounds like I'm suggesting something hinky myself. Let me be clear that you still need to put the proper postage on each envelope. Still do the return address trick thingy, but affix the stamps.
Sorry for any confusion.
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By Matt
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Panman wrote:Unfortunately, we have found that the nonmachinable stamp does not prevent it from going through the machine.
Absolutely true. Leah and I ship quite a few seed orders and always select non-machinable postage for those orders, but they often still go through the machine. So annoying!!
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By Panman
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Case in point, below is a picture of the seeds I just received from Dean. In the top right you see a non machineable stamp along with non-machineable being written under it. It is also written along the bottom of the envelope. You can also see the machine cancel on the stamp and the sorting information stamped on the bottom. To the right of the white plastic box, you can see the imprint of the box left on the envelope as the post office machine it tried to crush the life out of the seeds. Additionally, the dimensions of the envelope are such that it is supposed to be rejected by the machines. So, long story short, keep paying the extra postage for nonmachineable but be sure that the seeds are packaged adequately to protect them from the inevitable crushing.
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Last edited by Panman on Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By hungry carnivores
Panman wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:26 pm Case in point, below is a picture of the seeds I just received from Dean. In the top right you see a non machineable stamp along with non-machineable being written under it. It is also written along the bottom of the envelope. You can also see the machine cancel on the stamp and the sorting information stamped on the bottom. To the right of the white plastic box, you can see the imprint of the box left on the envelope as the post office machine it tried to crush the life out of the seeds. Additionally, the dimensions of the envelope are such that it is supposed to be rejected by the machines. So, long story short, keep paying the extra postage for nonmachineable but be sure that the seeds are packaged adequately to protect them from the inevitable crushing.
Keep in mind this has your full name and address, as well as its corresponding FTC username. If you don't want that here, I suggest you use a 'blur' tool on before uploading.
By sundewd
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I use a cardboard insert to make the whole envelope rigid. And have a red ink NON-MACHINABLE stamp which I put on both sides. (It was $10). It must be handed over to avoid the intake machining. I have also observed some machining marks still on these envelopes, from asking the recipients. But when I was sending through regular envelopes dropped in the box they were being machined every time and only 1 out of dozens of orders actually had issues so I think it isn't the machining necessarily itself that damages but either certain machines having higher pressure, or the letter becoming part of a jam in a machine. So in that regard reducing the exposure to the machines, even if not entirely, could still help reduce the machining damage to seeds. For that example envelope I would have written non machinable with a sharpie and slightly larger printed all caps and on the back as well.
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By ChefDean
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I just got a message the other day telling me that a member received their SASE with a notation, handwritten I think, stating that an additional $.58 postage was due. For an envelope that had a forever stamp on it already? Nope!
This envelope would have come back to me had the member not put their address as the mailing address AND the return address. It worked!
So, I again strongly suggest that you put my address as the mailing address AND the return address on the outside envelope, and your address as the mailing address AND the return address on the SASE along with proper postage on both.
That member would have still received their seeds had it been returned to me, I would have made sure of that, but now they don't have to wait for the USPS to get off their break and do their job.
Take care.
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By Apollyon
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For sure. I don't mind paying USPS what it is due but they seem like they subjectively decide what qualifies as needing additional postage. And more than the cost of an additional Forever stamp? I've made it a point to do that since back when they were really on their game last year. Who'd of thought it'd actually be needed later on.

So yeah, I totally second this. Give the appropriate postage but be sure to CYA because you never know what genius is working that day. That and so Dean doesn't have to float additional shipping charges :lol:
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By TrapsAndDews
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Oops. :? Didn't read this soon enough. Hopefully my envelopes make it there and back.
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By andynorth
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My apologies. I did not see about the return address until after I sent mine out. Will do so next time.
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By ChefDean
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Perfect example of why I say do the trick with the return address. It doesn't happen often, but it's usually extreme when it does.
You can see that there is more than proper postage on this standard #10 envelope. A first class stamp would have been sufficient (66 cents), but a non-machinable stamp was used, which is more ($1.06). However, some genius at a post office decided that more postage was due to the tune of $5.15.
Seriously dude? $6.21 total for a 0.7 ounce envelope? I'm not sure where it came from yet, but that guy is growing his own brand of pharmaceutical.
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I don't know why I blacked out my address, all y'all have it already.
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By Intheswamp
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Yep, a sheet of corrugated cardboard, some cover for the window frames, and you're pushing the "thickness" limits. I've even hesitated putting notes in the envelopes. Some dude with the physique of a boa constrictor (that just swallowed a goat), glasses held together with hot glue, and a pocket protector in both shirt pockets and one of his back pants pockets probably stamped that envelope...the head rush he got from getting to use the stamp got to him, he probably had to go to a safe place somewhere afterwards.

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