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Soil fertilization for juvenille Heli and validity of rooting horomone for carnivorous plants?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:09 pm
by alecStewart1
Hey gang,

So I recently got a really young Heli. sarracenioides from @Camden (thanks again!) and I was wondering if it'd be useful to do some light soil fertilization for it like with juvenille Sarrs. No, I'm not just asking that because of the species name. :roll:

The other question is something that I learned about from the Orchidboard people is that there's such a thing as rooting horomones. From what I gather, most people use Kelpak which its fertilizer profile (I don't know what it's exactly called) is 0-0-1. I was wondering if this could be used for some carnivorous plants when transplanting/repotting.

Re: Soil fertilization for juvenille Heli and validity of rooting horomone for carnivorous plants?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:06 am
by andynorth
It is my understanding that you can as I asked about this. I will search for the brand and post here when I find but I am sure they are all very similar.