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Shade cloth for AZ

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 11:40 pm
by Ewreck
I live in AZ zone 8b and I wanna get some shade cloth so I can keep my plants outside. I think I read 30% is good but looking at some of these pics of it in use it doesn’t seem like it would be enough. Anyone got any advice what % to try first at least?

Re: Shade cloth for AZ

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 12:01 am
by CPhunter101
In the heat of the California sun, I use a 30% shade cloth and it works just fine. 50% is probably too much shade.
I keep my flytraps and drosera underneath it, but my sarrs are in full sun. You can order this shade cloth on Amazon fo $15. ... 495&sr=8-5

Re: Shade cloth for AZ

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 4:28 pm
by frankgrimes087
I live in Phoenix Arizona and have been growing flytraps for 3+ years. The summers here have truly been a challenge to grow flytraps in but it is definitely possible! This is the first summer that I am using a shade cloth that is 50% and so far it has been doing great! I don't think 50% is too much especially when the temperatures here can get over 110 degrees but we will see how everything goes once the summer really kicks in! Another option for shade that I have found really helpful (if you have them) is putting your plants under some type of tree that provides lots shade. I have some of my flytraps under an orange tree and that has been a great way to keep the plants cooler in the summer months while still getting the plants dappled sunlight throughout the day. I also switched all my pots to the white Styrofoam cups which has made a difference so far in keeping the plants cool!

Re: Shade cloth for AZ

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 2:48 am
by owlfeathers
If you don't mind, I'd like to piggyback off of this topic...

I live in coastal Alabama, so I'm also in zone 8b (although I imagine it's quite a bit more humid here than AZ). I have 2 death cube flytraps planted in LFSM with a little peat on the bottom and 3 in peat/sand/perlite from AG3 with a top dressing of LFSM. (Two of the AG3's have a small division each so I guess it's technically 5 AG3's total?)

My concern is that it's getting too hot outside for a whole day of direct sunlight, which is what they have been getting for the past week or so. Today peaked around 86F I think, and it's just going to get hotter. Before, they were getting partial shade under a massive live oak that creates a sort of natural "roof" for our carport and porch (not to brag or anything :mrgreen: ), but I just felt like that wasn't enough light. So now I'm feeling pretty conflicted :?

I do also want to see some bright red traps, but I think they might catch too much prey for that. :( The ones with working traps (my King Henry and Lowe's typical got overwhelmed and the old traps don't work anymore) almost always have something in 1 or 2 of their traps.

Here's a pic of all 5 of them (plus 2 baby pots with cut flower stalks planted in them) from ~2 weeks ago