FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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characters of posts

That certainly does make sense, Even if it is... a[…]

Thanks!! Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One M8s met Tap[…]

To cover or not to cover

Do you have any thick, translucent plastic? Wha[…]

We're expecting several (4-8 or more) inches of […]

jgreen1025's grow list

To me it's felt like an unusually cold winter, […]

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Grow-tent

Well, Capensis are popping up like weeds.

Seed Bank Giveaway XVIII

1. wcrosman 2. thepitchergrower 4. sans 5. Kelpy :[…]

Going to mix it up

I second that. Thank you for your effort and time.[…]

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