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By Alsius Arcticus
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Sooo, it's January, I had to keep my plants indoors for the winter because my greenhouse got wrecked by a hurricane, S. flava car rubricorpra starts to flower, what do I do with the flower? Leave it be or snip it? It has only phyllodia right now.
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By jgreen1025
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My outdoor flavas are starting to send up flowers right now (but I'm in a mild climate). I vote to leave it and enjoy the flower (although flavas don't smell particularly great, which might be an issue indoors). If you don't want seed, snip it off after the petals fall and put it in a vase - it'll last another month or so that way.
By Alsius Arcticus
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jgreen1025 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:43 pm My outdoor flavas are starting to send up flowers right now (but I'm in a mild climate). I vote to leave it and enjoy the flower (although flavas don't smell particularly great, which might be an issue indoors). If you don't want seed, snip it off after the petals fall and put it in a vase - it'll last another month or so that way.
Oh okay I see! It's the first time I see Sarracenia flower actually therefore I got a bit excited, I'm also in a mild climate, in UK, but the last hurricane really gone and tried to rough up my plants. I might actually gather the seeds, thank you for advice! I can't wait to see what it pops up with! That said, upon a closer inspection my Leucophylla is also popping a bud too. Also the plants will go outside in the greenhouse once it's warmer again and I sort the greenhouse out first. Thank you!
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By Alsius Arcticus
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Panman wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:50 pm I agree with the advice above. On another note, where did you get that plant?
I will do that then! Seems like my leuco is going to flower together with the flava. I bought this plant along with all my other plants from Hampshire Carnivorous plants.
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By Gary
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I also have a flava that's putting up a flower stalk. I noticed it when I was cleaning out old growth in preparation for repotting. We're having some relatively mild weather here in central AZ, but the nights are still pretty cold. Should I be getting this plant out in the sun when the temps allow?
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By MikeB
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Gary wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 7:59 pm We're having some relatively mild weather here in central AZ, but the nights are still pretty cold.
What's a nearby city? I'd like to take a look at your weather forecast. Sarracenia flava is reasonably cold-tolerant; its native range extends into western North Carolina and eastern Virginia.
By Gary
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I'm in Prescott AZ. We've had nearly no snow here and it was 70 °F today. The nights are colder, down to the high 20s.
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By MikeB
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Prescott, Arizona
10-day forecast
Courtesy of Weather Underground
10-day forecast.jpg
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The daytime temps are fine for mid-spring conditions. The nighttime temps are a bit cool but nothing that a Sarracenia flava can't handle. If you have an unheated garage to stash the plant at night, it would appreciate taking the edge off the cold. Otherwise, you could put it near the south wall of the house. The wall will warm up during the day and release heat at night, keeping the plant a few degrees warmer.
By Gary
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Thanks, that's what I started doing today. I have the rest of the Sarrs and flytraps living in the garage until the weather changes. We could still be in for some moderate snow this time of year, and it can show up in the middle of the night with little warning.
I don't want to tempt my plants to break dormancy right now, I still need to sift and rinse a lot of peat moss and perlite for repotting.
By Alsius Arcticus
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Wait, I live in the UK, Cheshire area... we're not getting temps below -1 C, does that mean I can actually put my Flava back in the greenhouse? Does Dutch Stevens and Leuco handle these temps too? I was tempted to put them back outside since it was sunny recently, but I was thinking that greenhouse just gets too hot in the sun up to 26 C and wasn't sure if I should leave them inside with constant temp of 15-16... Should I put them back in?
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