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By jgreen1025
Posts:  70
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Sarracenia seed grown:
Sarracenia flava – Seed mix #13 “Flava Blast” (Flytrap King) 4/20
  • S. flava var rubricorpora OP
    S. flava var rubricorpora × flava var rubricorpora
    S. flava var rubricorpora × flava “Supermax”
    S. flava var atropurpurea × flava “Supermax”
    S. flava var rugelii OP
Sarracenia rubra – Seed mix #6 “Sweets” (Flytrap King) 12/20
  • S. rubra ssp gulfensis OP
    S. leucophylla × rubra ssp gulfensis OP
    S. leucophylla × rubra ssp jonesii OP
    S. rubra × rosea OP 
Sarracenia flava “Burnt Red” OP (Flytrap King) 12/20
Sarracenia leucophylla “THL6” × leucophylla “Franklin County A” (Flytrap King) 3/21
Sarracenia (‘Cronus’ × [alata black × flava red]) × (‘Leah Wilkerson’ × umlauftiana) (Flytrap King) 3/21
Sarracenia alata ‘Night’ × alata pubescent black (M. Sprouse) 11/21
Sarracenia × moorei ([“Orange Glow” × ‘Adrian Slack’] × ‘Adrian Slack’) (M. Sprouse) 11/21
Sarracenia × excellens “Phil’s giant” × self (M. Sprouse) 11/21
Sarracenia × excellens “albino” (Flytrap King) 11/21
Sarracenia × moorei (leucophylla var alba × flava “Pastel”) (S. Galic) 4/22
Sarracenia × moorei (leucophylla Alabama × flava “Pastel”) (S. Galic) 4/22
Sarracenia leucophylla Holmes Co, FL wild-collected (S. Galic) 4/22
Sarracenia oreophila “Big Green” × self (ICPS) 5/23
Sarracenia oreophila var ornata (ICPS) 1/24
Sarracenia purpurea var montana (ICPS) 1/24
Sarracenia rubra ssp jonesii (ICPS) 1/24
Sarracenia (readii x ‘Schnell’s Ghost’) x ‘Legacy’ (Flytrap King) 11/24
Sarracenia ‘Lunchbox’ x “Drew McClain” (Flytrap King) 11/24
Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ (Flytrap King) 11/24
Sarracenia “bee-pollinated seed mix” OP (Flytrap King) 11/24
Sarracenia excellens × “Hawaiian Ice” (Flytrap King) 11/24
Sarracenia (‘Kilimanjaro’ × ‘Lunchbox’) × (‘Lunchbox’ × “Wilkerson’s White Knight”) (Flytrap King) 11/24

Sarracenia plants:
S. rubra ssp wherryi “Chatom Giant” Washington Co, AL (-) 2/22
S. rubra ssp gulfensis Turkey Hen Creek, Okaloosa Co, FL (-) 2/22
S. rubra ssp alabamensis near Thorsby, Chilton Co, AL (-) 2/22
S. rubra ssp rubra Tattnall Co, GA (-) 9/22
S. purpurea ssp venosa Tattnall Co, GA (-) 9/22
S. rosea Washington Co, FL (-) 9/22
S. × wrigleyana “Roz” Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
S. leucophylla Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
S. rubra ssp alabamensis “Buckey clone” (-) 5/23
S. oreophila “Sand Mountain, AL” (-) 5/23
S. minor Clay Co, FL (-) 5/23
S. psittacina between Bay Minette and Mobile, AL (- [“originally collected mid 80s”]) 5/23
S. rubra ssp jonesii “black” Greenville Co, SC (-) 3/24
S. × moorei “possible flava backcross” Bay Co, FL (-) 8/24

Drosera: (s)=seed grown; (g)=gemmae
D. filiformis var floridana Hamlin Lake, FL (-) 2/22
D. × bockowskii “clone K or L” (-) 2/22
D. capillaris Lowndes Co, GA (-) 2/22 (s)
D. capillaris “long-arm form” Pasco Co, FL (CZPlants) 11/24 (s)
D. capillaris “long-arm form” (FTC seed bank) 1/25 (s)
D. capillaris “Emeralds Envy” (FTC seed bank) 12/24 (s)

D. anglica “CA × HI” (-) 9/22 (s)
D. × obovata ‘Ivan's Paddle’ 6th generation (-) 9/22 (s)
D. rotundifolia Big Lagoon, CA (-) 9/22 (s)
D. filiformis var tracyi Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
D. × californica ‘California Sunset’ (-) 3/24
D. binata ‘Marston Dragon’ (-) 2/22
D. aliciae (ICPS) 9/23 (CZPlants) 11/23 (s)
D. burmannii (FTC seed bank) 12/24 (s)
D. spatulata var lovellae (FTC seed bank) 12/24 (s)

D. verrucata/dichrosepala (CZPlants) 11/23 (g)
D. roseana? (CZPlants) 11/23 (g) (was supposed to be D. sewelliae reddish form)
D. × ‘Dork's Pink’ (CZPlants) 11/23 (g)
D. × carbarup (D. occidentalis × D. platystigma) (CZPlants) 11/24 (g)
D. platystigma (CZPlants) 11/24 (g)
D. pulchella “44A” (CZPlants) 11/24 (g)
D. pulchella salmon flower (CZPlants) 11/24 (g)
D. australis pink flowers red veins (CZPlants) 11/24 (g)

Other CPs: (s)=seed grown
Dionaea muscipula (Trader Joe’s) 10/20
Dionaea muscipula (Rocket Farms HD) 11/23 (“possible B52?”)
Dionaea muscipula ‘Royal Red’ ‘FTS Maroon Monster’ ‘B52’ “G17 Megatraps” × self (M. Sprouse) 10/22 (s)
Dionaea muscipula “Collection A” (ICPS) 5/23 (s) (“OP cultivars, including numerous 'giant' and red forms”)
Dionaea muscipula Orton Plantation, Brunswick Co, NC (-) 3/24
Dionaea muscipula OP (FTC seed bank) 12/24 (s)
Pinguicula pumila (-) 3/24
Pinguicula primuliflora Whitewater Creek, Taylor Co, GA (-) 8/24
Pinguicula moranensis (-) 8/24
Pinguicula grandiflora (World Wonders UK) 9/24 (s)
Utricularia subulata Lowndes Co, GA (-) 2/22
Utricularia praelonga (-) 2/22
Genlisea hispidula (-) 2/22
Nepenthes sp. (Green Thumb) 8/24 (possibly N. sanguinea)

Non carnivorous companion plants: (s)=seed grown
Spiranthes cernua “nodding lady's tresses orchid” (-) 2/22
Habenaria repens “water spider orchid” Lowndes Co, GA (-) 2/22
Zephyranthes atamasca “rain lily” Lowndes Co, GA (-) 2/22
Gentiana autumnalis “Pine Barren gentian” (ICPS) 9/23 (s)
Lycopodiella alopecuroides “foxtail clubmoss” Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
Sisyrinchium atlanticum “blue-eyed grass” (ICPS) 9/23 (s)
Xyris sp. “yellow-eyed grass” Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
Eriocaulon compressum “pipewort or bogbuttons” Bay Co, FL (-) 3/24
Viola lanceolata “bog violet” (-) 9/22
Muhlenbergia sp. “muhly grass” (-) 3/24 (s)
Solidago sp. “goldenrod” (possible sp. speciosa “showy” or uliginosa “bog”) (-) 3/24 (s)
Hypericum hypericoides “St. Andrew's Cross” or “St. John’s wort” (-) 3/24 (s)
Chamaecyparis thyoides “Atlantic white cedar” Bay Co, FL (-) 3/24 (from cutting)
Lychnis (syn. Silene) flos-cuculi “ragged robin” (World Wonders UK) 9/24 (s)
Lobelia cardinalis “cardinal flower” (Seedville USA) 9/24 (s)
Eriophorum virginicum “tawny cottongrass” (Seedville USA) 9/24 (s)

Encyclia tampensis “Florida butterfly orchid” (-) 3/24
Epidendrum radicans “fire star orchid” (-) 3/24
Vanilla planifolia variegated “vanilla orchid” (-) 3/24

new additions that aren't yet growing/established
updated Jan. 17, 2025
Last edited by jgreen1025 on Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By MikeB
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They wake up early in your mild winter weather.
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By jgreen1025
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MikeB wrote:They wake up early in your mild winter weather.
True, but this is unusually early for them. Typically I don't see the flowers starting until February. To me it's felt like an unusually cold winter, but I guess a few days around 70 and they figure it's time. Oh well, good thing I've got Monday off.
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By MikeB
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jgreen1025 wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:33 am To me it's felt like an unusually cold winter,
I'll gladly trade you:
The next 5 days.jpg
The next 5 days.jpg (34.76 KiB) Viewed 392 times
My January temps have been running a good 15-20 degrees below normal.
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By jgreen1025
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MikeB wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:26 pmI'll gladly trade you:
No thank you! I grew up in Salt Lake City so I've had my fill of cold winters. When I moved to LA 22 years ago in February I remember seeing a woman bundled up in a ski jacket, and I was probably just in a long sleeve shirt. I remember thinking: Wimp! Well, now I'm the Wimp!
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By LtLegume
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jgreen1025 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:00 pm Lycopodiella alopecuroides “foxtail clubmoss” Bay Co, FL (-) 9/22
How are you growing these? I'm kinda obsessed with lycopods & selaginella
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By jgreen1025
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(updated) I grow all my plants in large outdoor patio pots (I think of them as mini-bogs). The clubmoss is in a pot with several Sarracenia and grows between them. Last year was the first year it really started to take off. It looks pretty cool and I'm hoping to establish it in another pot.

Updated 1/25/25 with a photo. Nothing looks very good right now but this should give you an idea. There are some dormant D. tracyii in there along with some bog orchids, and this pot seems to have a bunch of liverworts on the surface of the soil. I think all the exposed parts of the clubmoss have died but it'll sprout again from the spot where it's rooted.
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