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By Lusky69
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Joined:  Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:04 am
Can anyone have a look and see if there is anything blatantly wrong with the way I have my little indoor hobby set up? Everything appears to be doing OK except for my Sarracenia flava var rubicorpa that the lid seems to have gone a little dry on. My vft is going great as are most others. I'm a complete novice at this so any advice would be really welcome
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By cpgrower126
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Check this out:, and follow these general rules for thriving plants:
Sunlight: At least four hours of direct sunlight a day (i.e. full sun)
Water: rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis water only
Soil: Nutrient poor soil such as peat moss or sphagnum moss and a pot with good drainage
Dormancy: A yearly dormancy period in the winter months
Grow lights help a little bit, but it won't supplement enough light for the long run.

Happy growing!
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By optique
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I just grow mine outside so i cant help with lights but i know clip on goose necks lights are not even going to be close to what they need. The sundew's and neps should do fine in that light level.

some i have potted outside.
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By ChefDean
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I don't know anything about Mimosa care, but as to everything else...
You have plants all being given virtually the same conditions, but there are three or four different husbandry needs among them. That setup is OK for most of the sundews, but the paradoxa is much more comfortable in warmer condition..
As to the VFT and the Sarracenia, depending on where you are, those should be in a cool, dark place for dormancy. Plus, their light requirement during the growing season is such that a sunny windowsill with a moderate grow light is insufficient. The lights you have currently would be spectacular for a typical houseplant as their light requirements are low. But for most temperates, those are next to worthless in regards to the light they put out vs the light VFT's and Sarrs need. They need to be outside in full sun for about six hours a day. Granted, if you're in the northern hemisphere, it's likely too cold to leave them outside right now, hence the cool, dark dormancy.
The Nepenthes needs to stay moist, but not sitting in water. I see it is elevated above the water to accomplish that, but it might be happier hanging in front of a window as it grows so the pitchers can hang down and not go swimming.
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By Lusky69
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I'm really appreciating all the advice, I see my biggest problem potentially being light, I can only off daylight through the window which as we all know is limited to the UK weather and day time. I'm currently trying to substitute some of this with around 12 hours of grow light and I'm making sure I only use rain water for all plants. Feeding is once a month with growlands carnivorous plant feeding and I'm doing my level best to manage the conditions.
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By Panman
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They don't need to be fed. As everyone has stated, you need more light. A good way to think of artificial light levels for Venus Flytraps and Sarracenia is if you can look at the light without it bothering your eyes, it is not enough. Even then, the lights will need to be on for at least 16 hours a day. Professional grow lights (in excess of $100) and a grow tent can produce that level of light. They are just not houseplants, and cannot grow on a window sill.
By Lusky69
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Thank you, all makes sense. The neighbours already suspect cannabis cultivation because of these lights🤣 ill have a think on the set up based on your good advice.
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By Panman
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Lusky69 wrote:The neighbours already suspect cannabis cultivation because of these lights🤣
Many years ago I tried to buy fluorescent grow light tubes at a hardware supply store. I was informed by an employee that they don't sell them. In hushed tones they whispered, "People use those to grow marijuana." I told them I was only trying to grow tomatoes.
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By Lusky69
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Ha ha, just wait till I enter B&Q requesting a grow tent and the brightest lights they have, to top it off I'll ask for some decent ventilation tubes and a nice heater/ humidifier. Seriously appreciate all your help and will try to put as much into practice as is possible.
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By Hedonista
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Are you able to move some of those plants outdoors to a sunny spot once the weather warms up in a few months? If so, I would keep doing what you are doing for now and not worry about dormancy this winter. The flytrap and sarracenia won’t be thrilled, but the low light level won’t kill them before spring. You can move them outdoors this spring (the nepenthes would like to go outdoors too, although it needs filtered light or only morning or evening sun) and worry about dormancy in the fall.

Edit: I should mention that the nepenthes can’t go outdoors as early in the spring as the others since it’s a tropical plant. Don’t move it outdoors until nighttime temps are consistently above 50.
Last edited by Hedonista on Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By evenwind
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I don't grow outdoors for many reasons but if you want to grow under lights without bleaching the walls, there's a world of Mexican pinguiculas (butterworts) and warm growing droseras (sundews) to investigate.

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