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By andynorth
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All my plants are in my greenhouse which only gets about 1 degree warmer than outside. It has been in low 30's at night. Should I invest in something to keep them warm? Other than a heater, what can I use?
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By ChefDean
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As long as you can keep them from freeze/thaw cycles, you should be good. However, if it drops to the mid 20's, I'd try a space heater.
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By MikeB
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I'm getting an early taste of January here:
10-day forecast.jpg
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Freeze/thaw is the name of the game.

How big is your greenhouse (L x W x H)? I'll see if the heater that I got for my cold frame can cover that much space.
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By andynorth
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MikeB wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 7:42 pm
How big is your greenhouse (L x W x H)? I'll see if the heater that I got for my cold frame can cover that much space.
I ordered a 10x30 plant cover. I was thinking covering them should hopefully do the trick. We normally do not get this cold this soon.
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By MikeB
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I got a Bio Green Palma: heater with fan, thermostat, and remote sensor on a 5-foot cable. I use it infrequently, but it has always done a good job. Greenhouse Megastore has it on sale for $183.90 (20% off, good thru Monday). Greenhouse To Grow (never ordered anything from them) has it on sale for $169.
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By eversince
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I'll throw y'all some of this California heat, lol! It was 77 today. We're toast.
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By andynorth
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Only the strong survive. Tonight will be the first freeze of the year. My plant blanket will not arrive until Tuesday. Hopefully they all come out fine in the Spring.
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By Jade
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Aw fingers crossed. I’m still fighting to get my little room in the basement cold enough without chilling the entire basement (and house).

How many dormancies have you done since you started growing? I’m gonna be biting my nails until next spring.
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By andynorth
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Jade wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:09 am How many dormancies have you done since you started growing? I’m gonna be biting my nails until next spring.
This will be my fourth. First one I did not read up on Neps nor did I know they need light, heat and humidity year around. My 2 neps, 2 Sarrs and 1 VFT went into the fridge. Live and learn. Neps never recovered. Second year I had about about 4 fly traps, 7 or 8 sarrs and a couple drosera. I used fridge for sarrs and vft's. Had heart attack Jan 2023 and was off work for a few months so I started collecting more. By the time I went back to work in April I had a pretty good collection going. Joined forum in May and learned a LOT about what I was doing wrong.
FF to July. I messed up my back. Off work again. Was up and around again by Sept but slowly. Bought all through winter. Met eBay sellers, bought lots more plants. Last season everything went in to garage. Barely fit!!!! Most VFT's were in a dark spot that received no light. The rest barely received any light. Most survived with about a half dozen exceptions. Matt replaced the ones of his and eBay seller sent more fly traps. Thus bringing me to where I am now. A 6'x10'x6' greenhouse. I am hoping to build some form of rolling shelves so I can easily move in and out of greenhouse when weather changes. My garden blanket will be here today so I can wrap around everything.
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By andynorth
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Blanket did the job. Temp did not go below 32.7 degrees even though we had a freeze. I need to adjust it some as I just wanted to get them covered.
After checking I see it was 29 degrees from 10:00 PM until around 3:00 AM.
To clarify, that was temp outside of greenhouse. It is warming up today so will try to get in position where I can just roll down as needed.
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