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By DragonsEye
Posts:  1397
Joined:  Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:22 pm
If you’re okay with waiting til spring I can help you. Too cold now, though
Panman liked this
By lukep424
Posts:  5
Joined:  Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:43 am
I have a pot of first year gemmae-germinated scorpioides. Would be willing to swap for some other Drosera species or a Heli division :shock: Would have to be when the spring rolls around though.
To cover or not to cover

Once in a while I have stowed my flytraps in the g[…]

Hey everyone, I’m selling a completely bra[…]

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I don't grow outdoors for many reasons but if you […]

Why winter success

Do you mean they never went dormant or that they a[…]

Closing in on one week left in our photo contest a[…]

This highlights points in a clear and helpful mann[…]

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