FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

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By ChefDean
Posts:  10407
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Request received.
Your request number is 1843.
I'll PM you shortly with a mailing address for your SASE.
Thank you for your request.

Reminder to all:
Please remember to write your Forum username and request number somewhere on the envelope or in a note.
I don't have access to a cross reference of real-world names linked to usernames.
Remembering these things helps me fill requests quicker.
Thank you.

Happy growing,
User avatar
By ChefDean
Posts:  10407
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
SASE received.
Request is fulfilled.
Return envelope going out in tomorrow's mail.

Happy growing,

[(Rokko x boschiana) x veitchii] EP x (Song of Mel[…]

Winter time photo's after snow/ice

I'm in Darlington, SC and I saw some flurries in t[…]

Deformed pitchers

You might need to resize the pictures smaller. Th[…]

Is he..givin me...the nasty finger? :lol: :lol:[…]

Nepenthes spectabilis x robcantleyi CC, Izumia and[…]

Very nice.


I live just south of Seattle, so not too terribly […]

Repotted my flytraps.

I'm about 1/8 through with my sarrs. Then I have 4[…]

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