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By evenwind
Posts:  2271
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So how many did you get yesterday? In recent years we've been getting fewer and fewer. I guess the neighborhood kids are growing up. We did get one. He was an older kid/teenager, which usually annoys me. But he really outdid himself with his "postman" costume. He had that silly safari hat, the Bermuda shorts with the stripe and even a beat up leather bag for his goodies. Also, somehow he'd gotten hold of our mail and when he handed it to us, instead of shouting "Trick or Treat!", he just said "Have a nice day!". He never once broke character!

Y'know, as I'm re-reading this, I'm wondering if that wasn't actually our postman? Anyway, I hope he enjoys the Kit Kats...
madrone, JenCooper, elaineo liked this
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By MikeB
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I had the usual mob at my house. We have lots of cars drive into the neighborhood and unload their kids.
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By DragonsEye
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None. I live in a third floor apartment. Kids today are too lazy to climb stairs for candy 8-)
andynorth, MikeB liked this
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By elaineo
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I went into town to see the decorated houses and trick or treaters. A fair number of kids, but I was more surprised at the number of people out there with dogs wearing dog costumes. I thought dogs couldn't eat chocolate...
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By cpgrower126
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We have a few kids. We used to have many, but the number has reduced over the past few years and especially after the pandemic.
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By evenwind
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DragonsEye wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:35 am None. I live in a third floor apartment. Kids today are too lazy to climb stairs for candy 8-)
Maybe if you left a trail of Reese's Pieces on the steps leading up... You know, like in E.T.?
JenCooper, DragonsEye liked this
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