FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Tturbo
Posts:  1
Joined:  Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:46 pm
I've been collecting various plants over the last couple of years, mostly succulents and cacti. But I totally fell in love with VFTs last year. Sadly, I was totally irresponsible and didn't look into how to raise them well enough and they perished. They went through their dormant period for about 10 weeks in my garage in the east facing window and in the cold (not too cold -7c at most) and dark but when they didn't come back in the spring.

I now have FOUR new victu...ummm, plants. I'm reading up on everything (Savage Garden) and watching many videos including California Carnivores and this time I hope to do the dormant thing the right way. So I'll look through the posts to see what all you experts have been posting.

By the way the four that I got are: CPS Select Seed Grown, D. muscipula 'B-52', and BCP 03-01 and a bonus unnamed one.
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By wcrosman
Posts:  643
Joined:  Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:03 am
Welcome. Lots of good care info on the website. Link above.
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By wcrosman
Posts:  643
Joined:  Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:03 am
Welcome. Lots of good care info on the website. Link above.
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