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By madrone
Posts:  367
Joined:  Sat May 16, 2020 10:44 pm
I have two lanky pots of U. nelumbifolia up for grabs. [US only]

Just pay shipping $10.50 and I'll pop each out of their pot, wrap the moss bundle in a baggie and secure it in a small prority box.

First two interested commenters on this post. One pot-worth per commenter.

If I were keeping these, I'd float them in some distilled/rain water to get the old moss off and give them fresh bedding. There are also a few fresh 'sprouts' [2nd picture] on each section, so there should be plenty in there to start a good new pot.


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By madrone
Posts:  367
Joined:  Sat May 16, 2020 10:44 pm
thepitchergrower wrote:I would love to have some. Do you accept PayPal?
bay_area_botanicals wrote:I would love to have one too! Thank you
Great! I've sent you both a message.

In a few days, I'll update this thread as to whether both portions have been claimed or there are any remaining.

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I hope it arrives soon.

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Looking forward to it, thanks!

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