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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By andynorth
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As long as there is green and white there is hope. If it were me I would keep them all under 22 hours of light. My seedlings do great that way.
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By bigred
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Better-Gro Orchid moss is what I have mine in. Zero issues over a year, growing healthy and just flowered/seeded. If they start growing I always suggest freeze dried bloodworms from pet store for food. (not frozen just the ones on the shelf). Plants usually digest 100% of it rather than half digested flies and it seems to make them grow well.
By tommyr
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They can take the heat but you could give them some shade on days 100 or over if you wish. I would use organic peat moss and perlite. Or any without added fertilizers. Hoffmans or Esphoma is good.
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By jetfire245
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I live here in central Florida.

Mine only know sun ☀. Sun god strong.

Seriously, they get no breaks. Constant sun from morning to evening. In the 90°s all week.

I am very vigilant about water levels. But they're quite happy with the sun - even the heat.

I'm confident temperature is not your problem.
By Fishkeeper
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I know you've already found the problem, but for my two cents, these guys can handle some surprisingly high temps as long as they're kept wet and, for new plants, are given time to adapt. They'll die if they dry out, but I'm in Texas, and the local carnivorous plant nursery has their flytraps out in full, blazing, 110-degree-causing Texas sun.
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By Jack Hoo
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Thanks for your two cents! It is good to know these plants can still take some high heat and humidity. They are still adapting to their new medium so they are not yet healed, but I hope they recover soon.
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By wcrosman
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Jack Hoo wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 3:48 pm
andynorth wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 3:30 pm Which medium did you get from Amazon? There are a couple that have proven to be very bad for CP's.
I bought this one
That brand just about killed my sundews. Very high tds when water run thru it.
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By andynorth
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Jack Hoo wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 12:37 pm Thanks to all that chimed in. Now I know that the Perfect Plants mix is basically poison for our beloved plants (shame on them).

I repotted all the plants I had (and my sister's too) in LFSM because that's what I had at hand. It's the BetterGro, I got it from Lowe's, and I rinsed it on distilled water. Now it's just praying these guys can bounce back.

Even the smallest one which I thought was dead still has some green and white in the Rhymezone, so there is some hope. Do you think he can recover?


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