FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Bill Phoenix
Posts:  395
Joined:  Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm
Hello all. I decided to come back into the world of carnivorous plants and purchased a b52 from Amazon from Joel’s Carnivorous Plants. I repotted it in LFSM, but I realized now that I might have it too deep. What do you guys think? Is this of any concern? I also used a talller styrofoam pot instead of the one it came with bc where I live can get pretty hot
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Is the growth point too low?
Is the growth point too low?
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By Hedonista
Posts:  283
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Bill Phoenix wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:06 pm Since I just potted it could I remove it and add more moss back
IMO, since you just potted it you could go ahead and redo it.
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By LazyDaisy
Posts:  62
Joined:  Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:57 am
Even if you repot it, you might still have to remove some moss from the top later. From experience, some plants will sink as they settle into the media. I've had to dig out some lfsm on a few of my vfts creating an interesting bowl effect in some of my pots. :D

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