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By cpgrower126
Posts:  202
Joined:  Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:51 am
Hey all,
I've never germinated nepenthes seeds before, so I did some research online, and have some questions. I found on different websites, they either say germinate seeds in bright light, or they say germinate seeds in the dark/shade with partial light. I would like to how much light per day is needed to germinate nepenthes seeds. Another question I have is if I can use plain LFSM to germinate the nepenthes seeds. The nepenthes seeds I'm germinating are N. (viking "Ping Pong" x ampullaria "Black Miracle") x (x mizuho). Thank you!
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2404
Joined:  Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:03 pm
I would recommend providing similar conditions to how you would grow mature plants, maybe a little less light, though though that should come naturally since the larger plants will be closer to the lights. Using LFS to germinate seeds is perfect, though I'd recommend chopping it up into small pieces to provide an even surface in the pot and to help make it easier to split the seedlings up later.
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By scarlet-moon-83
Posts:  20
Joined:  Fri May 20, 2022 6:19 am
I always germinate my nepenthes seeds in bright light. Led, partial shade, greenhouse, around mature plants, etc.
Substrates is sphagnum moss, although sometimes I also using local forest moss.

Here some accidental germination around sarracenia which at outdoor, full day direct sun. Those seeds were slightly shaded by mature sarracenia at high noon but exposed to direct sun from sides during morning or afternoon.
Sphagnum moss.
Sphagnum moss.
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IMG_2024_164522-01-01.jpeg (831.74 KiB) Viewed 194 times
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