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By PlantMom84
Posts:  153
Joined:  Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:43 am
Hello beautiful people! It has been awhile....quick question. I got this today and the only one that I recognize is the aloe but my question is, does anyone here know what the others are?
TIA ImageImage

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By bee5pathsgold
Posts:  61
Joined:  Thu May 30, 2024 3:36 pm
I am not sure on the exact plant but one of the plants look similar to Crassula 'Petite Bicolor'.
By lanswyfte
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Joined:  Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:59 pm
The tall one with round leaves is a jade of some sort (I have numerous varieties), but I don't know the others, sorry. If that dark pointy one in the back is an aloe, it's a variety I don't know. Mine are all light green with lighter-green flecks.
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By Hedonista
Posts:  283
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
I see a hint of orange on the leaves of your sedum, and I wonder if it could be “Orange Delight.” Here is what mine looks like when it is in full sun. The orange color is from sun “stress,” but it doesn’t harm the plant. There are certainly other varieties it could be, this is just one possibility.
IMG_6496.jpeg (3.4 MiB) Viewed 307 times
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By PlantMom84
Posts:  153
Joined:  Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:43 am
Hedonista wrote:I see a hint of orange on the leaves of your sedum, and I wonder if it could be “Orange Delight.” Here is what mine looks like when it is in full sun. The orange color is from sun “stress,” but it doesn’t harm the plant. There are certainly other varieties it could be, this is just one possibility.
Wow! Image She's beautiful

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