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By Garden_Nymph
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Anyone know why my Pirouettes leaves are curling like this?
Pinguicula pirouette Above.jpg
Pinguicula pirouette Above.jpg (404.52 KiB) Viewed 998 times
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By Garden_Nymph
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Panman, same here. Are they unhappy because we divided them? its been a couple weeks here I would think they should be recovering by now.

Watering is as usual, keeping moist but not sitting in water.

Lighting is the same as it was for the pic here. Full spectrum Grow Light 100W 6000K ... =UTF8&th=1
Pinguicula Pirouette.jpg
Pinguicula Pirouette.jpg (1.78 MiB) Viewed 898 times
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By Panman
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I have no clue. But the main plants that I have divided have about tripled in size. They were mostly confined to a 2 inch pot. Now they are overlapping all sides. It may be becoming sentient. I am concerned.
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By Garden_Nymph
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LOL Panman Mine are the same.... As far as temp I keep a temp/humidity monitor there and they run in the 70-80 temp range and 60-80 and sometimes higher humidity. There are other pings including this same variety that are in the same spot and not curling.
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By Panman
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This one has maximum curlage.
CM240808-121637001.jpg (1.32 MiB) Viewed 805 times
This one is a little more normal.
CM240808-123528002.jpg (1.27 MiB) Viewed 805 times
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By jeff
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I think your first ping is in very bad condition, have you checked if the center of the rosette is brown.
otherwise for the other it seems correct

The fact of having curled leaves is perhaps due to a lack of humidity escaping from the substrate towards the leaves, these seem to me to be protruding from the pot, but hey it's only a hypothesis
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By Panman
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Yeah, that first one looks like crap. I hadn't looked at it for a few days. It isn't brown in the center. I peeled it open and it is looking much better. As far as the leaf curl, I'm not too concerned about it. I do find it interesting that the explosive growth and leaf curl happened after I divided the plant.
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By Panman
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Here is a better picture of the center.
CM240809-095244001.jpg (930.03 KiB) Viewed 716 times
Here is another extreme curler. They were bit in more intense lights and high humidity.
CM240809-095252002.jpg (338.61 KiB) Viewed 716 times
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By Garden_Nymph
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Panman, I was also advised it looked like root damage from gnat larvae but I wonder since both of ours are recently separated if they are just taking their sweet time recovering from that?
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By Garden_Nymph
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Panman..... I found the issue at least with mine. They needed to go outside. I think it was too cold for them indoors. I am not sure where you are but where we moved in Cypress, TX my patio gets morning sun it's a SE exposure and OMG they are loving it. Leaves are starting to unfurl, everyone is starting to blush up and two are even starting to bloom. Hope this helps.
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By Panman
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I'm in Georgia. I may move one out and see what happens. The weird thing is that they are growing in the same place as before they were divided.
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By Garden_Nymph
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I know, mine too. they were under the same lights that also made her the prettiest shade of blush pink but for some reason they were refusing to blush again until I moved them out. I will see if I can get a pic to post to show the difference now.

Here you go. They are still recovering but def making progress.
Pings.jpg (2.54 MiB) Viewed 224 times
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