FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about fluorescent, LED and other types of grow lighting for Venus Flytraps and other plants

Moderator: Matt

By alecStewart1
Posts:  228
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
Okay gang, I'm looking into new lighting for my grow cabinet. What I have works fine...minus that I shorted one pair of lights from a connector getting wet, me not noticing and plugging it in. :?

I have these: ... B0B155D4LX

And they're fine. Part of me feels like some slightly stronger lights would be good. The grow cabinet isn't that big, so some of the neat looking stuff from smooth looking brands like VIVOSUN are way too big to fit in the cabinet and want to hang from the top, and that would end up burning the plants in there. 2ft is the max length I can go for lights that I can fit under the shelves.

Any recommendations?

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