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By ivywaters
Posts:  5
Joined:  Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:14 pm
I have a small problem with gnats in a lot of my plants, including my carnivorous babies. I've been spraying the regular house plants with a 1:4 ratio of isopropyl alcohol and tap water. Would it damage my carnivorous plants if I sprayed them with it too? I have flytraps, sarracenia, nepenthes, and sundews. Everything but the nepenthes sit in distilled water filled trays.
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By ChefDean
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Probably not as long as it's not saturated or done daily. However, what went further to help my gnat problem was more carnivorous plants, especially Pinguicula.
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By Gary
Posts:  563
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At that dilution it likely won't dry out the leaves, but I'd use distilled instead of tap water. I like ChefDean's solution better, and you get to add to your collection!
By ivywaters
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Thanks! I've got a butterwort on my want list, I just haven't seen one in person or tried ordering online yet. Got any online stores that you trust to buy carnivorous plants from?
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By MikeB
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ivywaters wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:01 pm I have a small problem with gnats in a lot of my plants, including my carnivorous babies.
Mosquito bits will go a long way toward stopping your gnat problem. Both mosquito and gnat larvae are susceptible to the bacteria. Sprinkle some into a jug of water, let it sit for 24 hours, then water your plants with it.
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By Gary
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ivywaters wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:05 am Got any online stores that you trust to buy carnivorous plants from?
I've purchased from California Carnivores a few times. Healthy plants, good prices.

Edit: I got an email from CalCarn today, pings are the featured plants this month and they may have some deals.
By ivywaters
Posts:  5
Joined:  Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:14 pm
And the mosquito bits doesn't damage the carnivorous plants? I'm still newer to them and am very wary of putting anything other than distilled water on them

It's pinguicula pirouette!!

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